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Title: 30 Tips from Experts on How to Network and Connect With Authenticity (Part 4)

30 Tips from Experts on How to Network and Connect With Authenticity (Part 4)

Discover the final set of actionable networking tips from experts. These simple tips and tricks are designed to help you keep your network toasty warm this Fall (& beyond). Learn how to easily, intentionally, and authentically build your professional connections and network #LikeAPro.
Oct 10, 2024
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The Matcha Team

Brewing Up Something Awesome

Building a strong, engaged network in a meaningful way is an art, not a numbers game. As we wrap up our series on how to network with more meaning, we’re sharing 9 more tips to help you network with authenticity and purpose. Whether you're looking to deepen existing relationships or make new ones, these actionable ideas will serve as a guide to reflect, connect, help, and share your journey and help you take your networking game to the next level.

Let’s go.

Weekly calendar 4 (of 4) with 9 networking tips

Missed tips 1-7? Read them here.

Missed tips 8-14? Read them here.

Missed tips 15-21? Read them here.

22. Personalize Your Gifting

A delightful gift-giving experience can go a long way to starting or continuing a strong professional relationship. It’s a wonderful way to go beyond just words as a powerful way to connect and make a lasting impression. From classics like chocolates to custom items, a well-chosen gift is a breath of fresh air in the over-automated marketing world we live in. And as Jessie Shipman reminds us:

“Gifting is just noise unless it’s personal.”
— Jessie Shipman, CEO & Founder of Fluincy

Action Step - Connect: Want to make someone’s day (& connect #LikeAPro)? Send a note or a thoughtful gift to someone in your network and bring a smile to their day!

GIF of the TV show The Office where Michael Scott shows a painting with a gift bow

23. Don’t be Afraid to Be Bold

Everyone attending a conference is looking for a way to be memorable. But the truth is, finding your own unique way to make a splash and stand out doesn’t have to be hard. Or be a lot of work. But it does have to be creative and authentic. 

Rob Jones, Creative Lead at RevPartners, became an overnight sensation back in 2022 when he dominated the floor at INBOUND with his bold, bright orange suit and dashing personality. He shares advice on how to improve your connection at events and stand out.

“Networking can be a source of social anxiety for some people (myself included), so I figured what better way to reduce stress and make connections better than to just wear a ridiculous orange suit? Which ended up being a huge hit.”
— Rob Jones, Creative Lead at RevPartners

Action Step - Reflect: At your next event, make yourself unforgettable and let your full self shine, whether it’s through your style, energy, or conversation starter. Go big. Be Bold. Be Bombastic. And enjoy it.

GIF of the movie Dumb and Dumber where Jim Carrey wears an orange suit

24. Show Gratitude to a Mentor

When was the last time you thanked a mentor for their guidance? Mentors shape our journeys, often without expecting anything in return. Reaching out to let them know their impact mattered helps rekindle that relationship. A little kindness goes a long way; sometimes, it’s the most meaningful way to reconnect.

Action Step - Connect: Today, take a moment to reach out to a past mentor and send a note of gratitude. No requests, no agenda—just a simple thank you for the guidance, wisdom, and support they've provided.

25. Facilitate Introductions Like a Pro

One of the most valuable things you can do is introduce people to each other. Not only does it help others expand their networks, but it positions you as a go-to person for bringing people together. Brianna Doe, Founder of Verbatim, understands that being a real connector is not about you… it’s about how you can help others. As she beautifully reminds us:

“It’s easy to think that networking has to be this long, drawn-out process. But really, networking is all about connecting and getting connected. One of the best things I ever did for my career is learn how to connect people that I think should meet. Don’t be afraid to make intros, facilitate connections, and help people build their network. It’s a win-win.”
— Brianna Doe, Founder of Verbatim

What’s one super-connector thing you can do today?

Action Step - Help: Think of two people in your network who should meet. Make an introduction and share why they should know each other. Just #LikeAPro!

26. Nurture ‘Feel-Good’ Connections

Not every connection is meant to be nurtured. Focus on the relationships that energize you, bring good vibes, and make you feel more connected. These are the people worth staying in touch with long term.

“Pay attention to the people you have a good feeling about. These are the ones you’ll want to stay in touch with - not everyone you ever meet!”
— Karen Wickre, Best-Selling Author, Communicator and Connector

Action Step - Share: Who are the people that you just vibe with? People who always bring that “feel good” energy to your day. Give them a shout-out today.

27. Find Out Your Networking Style

What type of networker are you? Understanding your networking style helps you play to your strengths and connect in a way that feels natural. Are you a:

  • COLLECTOR - a champion at gathering many new contacts.
  • CONNECTOR - with a superpower when it comes to making introductions and building bridges.
  • ACTIVATOR - with a talent for turning conversation into action.
  • COLLABORATOR - an expert at turning networking conversations into opportunity to work with others.
  • SUPPORTER - a master at listening to and empathizing with anyone lucky enough to be on the other side of a networking chat.

Action Step - Reflect: Today, we’ve got a fun way for you to learn just which TYPE of networker YOU are. Take our Networking Quiz and find out!

28. Ask Better Questions in Meetings

Tired of starting every meeting with the same old “How are you?” It’s time to switch things up! Connecting with your team through thoughtful questions can set the tone for more engaging and meaningful conversations. Take a tip from Becky Thalmann, a long-time Googler turned executive coach, and try asking questions that bring out the best in people.

“Change up how you start a meet-up and ask an opening question that creates a more interesting kickstart to the conversation. Better questions lead to more valuable networking.”
— Becky Thalmann, Founder & CEO, Transformational Leadership Expert & Certified Executive Coach

Action Step - Connect: Keep it fresh by connecting with your team in new ways, and try it this week. Here are a few to inspire you:

  • What’s bringing you energy (or draining it) these days?
  • What’s something you’re proud of recently?
  • What’s been the highlight of your month so far?

29. Send a Handwritten Note

Handwritten notes are often forgotten in the digital age, but they remain one of the most genuine ways to connect. A simple note can show someone that their contribution made a real difference in your life or career.

Action Step - Connect: Pick someone who has positively impacted your career and send them a short, handwritten note to thank them and let them know why their impact mattered. Go brighten someone’s day!

30. Share a Tip

The end of 2024’s in sight, so you’re networking big-time and working hard to make meaningful connections–for your business and career. That’s why we’ve brewed up Serendipitea: a piping-hot, bi-weekly sip of inspiration in your inbox.


  • Easy-to-apply tips from inspirational professionals
  • Stories that inspire more meaningful connection
  • A short-list of must-click resources

Action Step - Share: Your final action? Share your story about a connection you made that sparked joy and helped you reach your goals. Share YOUR tip with us, and we might just feature YOU. 

Email us at: team@matcha.so

That wraps up Matcha’s 30-day, easy-to-play-along tips to better connection. 

Keep these strategies in your back pocket, and remember: great connections aren’t about how many people you know, but about nurturing the relationships that matter and networking with authenticity.

Better networking is within your reach. Now it’s time to put these tips into action—go make those connections count!

To get the tips from the whole month, stay tuned.

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