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Title 30 Tips from Experts on How to Network and Connect With Authenticity (Part 1)

30 Tips from Experts on How to Network and Connect With Authenticity (Part 1)

Looking for an easy, fit-it-into-your-day way to uplevel your networking game? We've got you covered with Matcha’s 30-day, easy-to-play-along tips to better connection. Learn from an array of experts who share their tips for more intentional networking.
Sep 19, 2024
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The Matcha Team

Brewing Up Something Awesome

You know what makes you feel all snug and cozy in the fall? A warm network. If you’ve got your cable-knit sweater on, there’s just one more thing to prepare you for the chilly weather ahead: a 30-day, easy-to-apply set of tips from experts on how to network and connect with authenticity.

Just like every leaf that falls, every little action you take to nurture your network will pile up to create something BIG. Week 1 (of 4) brings you seven simple steps to keep your network warm and connect with more intention on your journey to professional success.

These tips fall into a few key categories: 

  • Reflect - Ways to think about how and why we connect, making every conversation more meaningful and impactful.  
  • Connect - Tips and suggestions for the actual art of reaching out to others and starting a professional relationship.  
  • Help - Matcha believes that true networking begins with giving value to others, and it’s an easier way to reach out to someone for the first time, or the first time in a while.  
  • Share - As we grow in our networking skills, it’s always a powerful idea to share what you’re learning with others. 

Let’s dive in!

Weekly calendar 1 (of 4) with 7 networking tips

1. Reflect on The Size and Scope of Your Network

Before diving into new connections, it’s worth taking a step back and reflecting on the network you already have. Karen Wickre, author of Taking the Work Out of Networking, reminds us that our network is like a “brain trust”—a blend of people who offer advice, humor, and support.

“We all need a web of people to be our 'brain trust' - people who give advice, comfort, and humor throughout life. And this web, this network, is typically a bigger, more diverse group than just friends and family. We will all need guidance and support from a variety of folks - some we've known for a long time, others who are brand new. And, of course, in turn we have guidance and support to give. That's what a network really looks like: people you can turn to (usually 1:1) when you need to know something you don't already know.”
Karen Wickre, Best-Selling Author, Communicator and Connector

Action Step - Reflect: Consider the various people and groups that you are connected with. How often are you in touch? Is your network diverse enough to relate to and support your whole self - personally and professionally? Reflect on this to identify where you might need to strengthen or expand.

Want to go beyond this step? 📖 Grab your copy of Karen’s book.

2. Stop “Networking” and Start Connecting

We’ve all seen it - networking can feel like a bad sales pitch. But Kendrick Trotter, the Founder ofUs In Technology, reminds us not to wait until we need something to start networking.

“Network with the intention of getting to know people for who they are and the work they do. The collaboration to work together will align naturally when it makes sense.” Skip the agenda, and focus on genuine curiosity.”
Kendrick Trotter, the Founder of Us In Technology

Action Step - Connect: See that connection request sitting in your LinkedIn inbox? Reply to it and start the conversation by asking, “What’s a challenge you’re currently working on?” And see how quickly it leads to real, meaningful dialogue.

3. Talk About What Lights You Up

Even professional relationships include the simple element of just finding enjoyment in the other person and their unique personality. Everyone has that go-to topic they love to chat about. Knowing yours and asking others about theirs is a simple way to connect on a human level.

Action Step - Share: Shake off the business vibes and share three topics you love talking about at any time - whether it's books, travel, or a hobby you’re passionate about. Ask others to do the same. Finding out what another person loves to chat about helps create more human connection. And you’d be surprised at the connection those conversations might spark!

Want to go beyond this step? Build your profile (for free) on Matcha and be proactive by sharing what you want to connect about.

4. Be Brave and Just Ask

Amber Rhodes, the master of meaningful chats and self-proclaimed introvert, has a piece of advice for fellow introverts that’s both simple and powerful:

“Find someone that you’re intimidated or impressed by and … ask: “How did you do XYZ. It’s a good thing to admit you’re not the smartest person in the room. You’ll learn something even if the connection doesn’t go any further.”
Amber Rhodes, Content & Social Media Marketing Specialist

Asking questions might seem scary, but it’s the fastest way to learn—and build authentic connections.

Action Step - Connect: Think of one person you’ve always admired from afar. Reach out and ask them how they achieved something that impacted you. It’s a bold move, but people love to share about themselves, and it’s a beautiful way to open new doors.

Adele singing Hello from the other side gif

5. Share Your Tool Stack

Today, we buy tech tools very differently than 5-10 years ago.  Our decision-making time has become so much faster and we rely heavily on our network for recommendations. 

As CEO Melissa Moody once put it, "I used to make a big a$$ spreadsheet for tool comparisons. Now, I just ‘phone a friend.’” Personal recommendations from our fellow peers and friends now carry the bulk of the weight in deciding on the tools we use (and purchase).

When you share your go-to tools, you open up the conversation for others to swap ideas and suggestions. It’s an easy, authentic way to strengthen your network, build connections, and provide value.

Action Step - Share: Create a list of your favorite tools and share it with your network. Matcha’s got a fun, new, easy way to do so. You can spin up your "tech stack" into a share-worthy list to use, update, and share with your network at any time. 

6. Pre-Plan for Your In-Person Events

Heading to a conference? Before you walk into that hallway full of nametags, the author of ‘The Introvert’s Edge’ book series and 2023 Sales Kickoff Speaker of the Year, Matthew Pollard offers advice on how to turn those hallway conversations into something more comfortable.

“Reach out to connect with the people going before you attend. It makes you feel like networking is a series of pre-planned meetings.”
Matthew Pollard, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Business Growth Coach

Action Step - Connect: Message one or two people attending the same event as you and suggest grabbing a coffee before or after. It’ll make the event feel more like a series of catch-ups, rather than forced networking.

Curious to learn even more? Download the first chapter of Matthew’s networking book.

7. Go After Your Dream Collaboration

Sometimes the best connections happen when you’re not even trying to network. Collaborating on a project is a natural way to bond with someone.

Action Step - Share: Is there a colleague, peer, or even a friend you’ve been meaning to work with? What’s that one collaboration you keep daydreaming about? Reach out to them and propose a creative idea you can spin up together (whether it’s a co-authored blog post, a joint event, or something else entirely). Just go for it and see what happens.

Group of people with super powers

PS. Tell us your creative idea at: team@matcha.so 

And let’s see what connections we might spark!

Each of these small, actionable steps are designed to help you build a warm network...

... and nurture meaningful connections with the colleagues, peers, and friends around you. Start connecting #LikeAPro as you learn from an array of experts who share their tips for more intentional networking. 

Stay tuned for Part 2, packed with even more insights to support your journey to professional success! 

Save and download the weekly–and monthly–calendars and check off the days as you go!  (#siptember can happen any time!) 😉

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