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Title: 30 Tips from Experts on How to Network and Connect With Authenticity (Part 3)

30 Tips from Experts on How to Network and Connect With Authenticity (Part 3)

Looking to uplevel your networking game? We have just the thing: expert-backed tips to help you connect more authentically and build meaningful relationships.
Oct 9, 2024
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The Matcha Team

Brewing Up Something Awesome

Warm up your tea and your network because you'll need both this Fall. 

Welcome to Part 3 (of 4) of Matcha’s 30-day, easy-to-play-along tips to better connection, where we continue to share small, actionable steps designed to help you build a warm network and nurture meaningful connections with colleagues, peers, and friends. 

Start connecting #LikeAPro as you learn from experts who share their tips for more intentional networking. Let’s dig in!

Weekly calendar 3 (of 4) with 7 networking tips

Missed tips 1-7? Read them here.

Missed tips 8-14? Read them here.

15. Prioritize Speed in Your Responses

Busy executives often wield their networking power by making connections for others. For example, when we think of Andy Mowat, the VP of GTM Operations at Carta, the number of people he’s helped get jobs – or sort out what they’re looking for – is staggering. So, what does Andy recommend as one tip for people who want to connect #LikeAPro?

“Be lightning fast to respond to emails, texts, and DMs from the people you need to impress during your job search.”
— Andy Mowat, VP of GTM Operations at Carta

Action Step - Connect: Prioritize the right connections that can help you move the needle quicker. If you have a goal, you’ll know who is most important to that goal. And your response time to that core group of folks should be swift!

Image of the actor Keanu Reeves with txt: Good networking sometimes calls for speed

16. Show Gratitude with a Simple Shoutout

Meaningful connections often start with a casual, friendly conversation. That simple conversation is a spark that, if treated with care, can turn into a flame, impacting you and your career significantly. It’s how you meet mentors, colleagues, new collaborators, or someone who makes your day a little brighter. A super-connector, Liam Darmody, knows this well. He shares his approach.

“Human connection has always been what matters most to me, and when I stopped thinking of networking as something “strategic” and started treating it more like just having a casual, friendly conversation with someone, I started thriving personally and professionally.”
— Liam Darmody, Personal Brand Strategist & Networking Coach

Action Step - Reflect: Take a moment to write a LinkedIn post tagging 3-5 people you're grateful to have connected with in 2024. It’s a lovely way to express thanks, strengthen those connections, and show them how much they matter to you. A simple shoutout can go a long way in making someone’s day and deepening professional relationships.

17. Give Before You Get

A big “no-no” of community building is focusing only on what you get. Community is what you bring to it. So, what’s something small (but mighty) you can do today to build deeper connection with your community? Matt Heinz, Founder & President of Heinz Marketing Inc, has got you covered.

“Your ROI in a community – or your network in general – is all about give, give, give, give to get. Listen. Share. Amplify. Celebrate. Be the most generous person in the room.”
— Matt Heinz, Founder & President of Heinz Marketing Inc

Action Step - Connect: Visit the LinkedIn profiles of two people from your communities, find something they recently wrote or shared, and comment on it. Just two a day for a year (business days only) is still over 500+ people impacted and influenced! It’s an easy way to show up and lift up people around you, one small action at a time.

18. Create Your Own “User Manual”

Networking often starts by helping others. However, an equally important foundation of great connection is knowing yourself well, too. That’s where creating a “User Manual” comes in handy. This brief guide helps others understand how to work with you effectively. It should cover your communication style, work habits, and values.

Many different types of these exist - each one has its own spin. Get inspired by manuals from:

Action Step - Reflect: Draft your personal User Manual. Include your work style, what drives your best performance, and how you prefer to communicate. It will be a tool that will foster better understanding and collaboration among the folks you work with or are connecting with.

PS. At Matcha - we’re planning to share more soon about what we’ve seen that makes a standout user manual. 👀

19. Reconnect with an Old Contact

When you scroll through your LinkedIn (or personal CRM), what name makes you go, “Oh, I’d love to chat with them again.” This tip came from Marion Siboni, Founder of La Creme de la STEM ™, female founders support system.

“Reach out to someone you have not connected with in a long time. Don't think about what this person can bring you; think about what you can bring to them.”
— Marion Siboni, Founder of La Creme de la STEM ™

Not sure what to talk about? Start by suggesting a book related to what the person you’re reaching out to is working on. Did they start a new job? "The First 90 Days" is one of Marion’s favorite recommendations. Or maybe they’re looking to elevate their leadership game and transform their business impact. Abi Williams’ “10 Traits of Great Leadership That Are Often Overlooked” has the answers they need.

Action Step - Connect: Share a post about the book that has a massive impact on your career (& why) and tag 3 people you know would benefit from reading it.

20. Be Additive, Not Transactional

Supporting others is the best way to sharpen your skills while adding value to your network. By helping others tackle familiar challenges, not only do you practice your own expertise, but you also become a go-to resource in your community.

Nick Zeckets, Co-founder & CEO of Air Traffic Control, who lives by the mantra “Always find a way to be additive,” emphasizes that delivering depth of value comes before scaling up. By focusing on being genuinely helpful, you’re not just giving—you’re growing.

“Solving problems is time-consuming when you’re new to the problem, so for someone new to networking, it’s best to think about how they are building up their expertise while being in service of their potential new connections. In time, being additive will be a well-trained muscle in their area of expertise, and they can scale. But it’s crucial to lean into depth of value delivery long before leaning into scale.”
— Nick Zeckets, Co-founder & CEO of Air Traffic Control

Action Step - Help: Share a post asking your network about the challenges they’re currently facing and offer help & support to 3 people. Every small effort counts! And just watch how quickly you grow alongside your network.

A GIF where Winnie-the-Pooh is getting help from a human and a rabbit get pulled out of the hole he got stuck in.

21. Maximize Your Focus During Conversations

Even in busy environments, making space for meaningful dialogue is crucial. That’s why Alina Vandenberghe, CEO of Chili Piper, always makes a concerted effort to focus on the conversations she’s having. Especially at busy events. She emphasizes the importance of moving a 1:1 chat from a busy conference hall into a quieter setting - so she can focus on the conversation itself.

Action Step - Connect: At your next in-person event, cultivate the space around you to maximize your focus on and interest in the conversation. Intentional, distraction-free dialogue can lead to stronger connections.

Networking doesn’t have to be complicated.

It’s all about being intentional, generous, and present. As you apply these tips, you’ll find that connecting authentically comes naturally. 

Stay tuned for part 4, where we’ll share our final set of tips to help you connect with people in your network with intention and meaning.

To get the tips from the past weeks, go here & here.

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