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Title 30 Tips from Experts on How to Network and Connect With Authenticity (Part 2)

30 Tips from Experts on How to Network and Connect With Authenticity (Part 2)

Discover small, actionable steps designed to help you build a warm network and nurture meaningful connections with the colleagues, peers, and friends. Start connecting #LikeAPro as you learn from an array of experts who share their tips for more intentional networking.
Sep 24, 2024
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The Matcha Team

Brewing Up Something Awesome

Building meaningful connections doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. In Part 2 (of 4), on our 30-day journey to better connection, get ready to focus on thoughtful networking—one small, intentional action at a time. 

Ready to up your networking game? These tips will help you connect with a purpose and keep your network warm. 

Let’s go.

Weekly calendar 2 (of 4) with 7 networking tips

Missed tips 1-7? Read them here.

8. Share Your Passion

At every event, you’ll be asked, "What do you do?" 

Before you answer that question, remember this insight from Matthew Pollard, author of The Introvert's Edge.

“People don’t care what you do until they know you care.”
— Matthew Pollard, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Business Growth Coach

Action Step - Reflect: Instead of saying your job title, giving a boring elevator pitch, or asking the same question back… When introducing yourself, briefly talk about your passion for helping a specific group and how you're setting out to do it. This approach makes your introduction more meaningful and memorable.

9. Help Others First

You’ll find some of the best connections in your network when you start by helping others first. People we consider to be some of the best super connectors live and breathe this mindset daily. That’s why you’ll often find:

  • Pete Vomocil proudly waving his #opentoHelp flag. 
  • Leslie Greenwood always reminding us to share a “give” before we “get.” 
  • Wesleyne Whittaker serving as a trusted source of guiding others to become ‘unstuck.’

Action Step - Share: Today, make a LinkedIn post about an area you’re able to give help in. See who comments - and make a connection.

10. Reconnect with Industry Peers

When was the last time you reached out to someone in your industry - perhaps known through a community, or an association, or at the big annual event?

Networking among our industry peers is where the sparks of innovation and insight occur. As Chiara Tucci, Social Media Manager at Light-it teaches us, if you’re looking to build new connections - or rekindle old ones - starting with your industry peers is a way to go.

“Though our days feel digitally connected, it’s important to weave in the human-to-human exchange of information that drives innovation and creativity in the healthcare industry.”
— Chiara Tucci, Social Media Manager at Light-it

Action Step - Connect: Reach out to someone in your industry. Ask them about the latest trends, or simply catch up. You never know where the conversation could lead! 

Want to go a step beyond? Read more in this article from Chiara and Digital Health Insider about connection in the healthcare industry and how Matcha is playing a role in those moments of connection.

11. Support Someone Looking for a Job

Searching for a job while staying under the radar can feel like a tightrope walk, especially in the close-knit SaaS world. Our network and the people we know can make a real difference in those challenging moments. And often, the right connection matters more than hitting "Apply." 

That’s why Stephanie Reck, Global Facilitator at Pavilion, suggests reaching out to people between jobs to offer support and a listening ear.

“We all only need one job. It should be the right job at the right company at the right time in our lives. So, every other job you disqualify could be right for someone else. I try to refer 1-2 people for each role I disqualify. Consider the ripple effect of this - All it takes is one conversation to change the trajectory for someone.”
— Stephanie Reck, Global Facilitator at Pavilion

Action Step - Help: Reach out to someone who’s "on the bench" or in between roles and schedule a casual 30-minute chat to hear more about what they’re looking for or interested in. You never know; today just might be the day you make a difference for someone.

12. Connect #LikeAPro at Events

Meeting people at events is great, but how will you stand out – and not become yet another forgotten name tag? Samantha McKenna, Founder of #samsales Consulting, offers advice - a simple and easy step with lasting impact:

"After you meet someone, whether at a conference, through professional friends, or at a networking event, make a habit of sending them a connection request on #LinkedIn and including something quick that you both discussed.
e.g. "Bill, was so great to meet you at LMA this week! I'm still laughing over your quotes of Dumb and Dumber - forever aligned with you as a die-hard fan."
— Samantha McKenna, Founder of #samsales Consulting

Action Step - Connect: Who have you met at an event that you’re happy to be ‘LinkedIn friends’ with today? Send them a personalized connection request, and keep the connection alive! This little extra effort does wonders for relationship-building.

A Meme from the Dumb and Dumber movie with a text on it: We looked good at Inbound. Let's connect online too.

You've attended INBOUND24 and met amazing folks? Be sure to connect with them and keep the conversation going.

13. Always Put People First

Turning a business into a success is no piece of cake. Jared Robin, the founder of RevGenius, knows all about the hard path to success and the determination it takes. But no matter how goal-driven he is, Jared keeps reminding us to always put people first.

“The commercial world is shifting toward connecting with human customers by focusing on how to help them solve a key need they may have–without them needing to buy your product as the first message they hear. Being supportive of what they are focused on is the key (vs what you're trying to sell them). Make your goals to help others hit theirs, and you'll become an expert networker!”
— Jared Robin, the founder of RevGenius

Action Step - Help: Reach out to someone today, ask how you can help, and hop on a call if you're able to help. Or connect them with a better resource. Building relationships starts with offering genuine support, not pitching your product or chasing your own agenda.

14. In-Person Meet Up FTW!

While digital networking is convenient, nothing beats an in-person chat (maybe over a delicious matcha latte?). Whether it’s meeting with a colleague or someone new, face-to-face conversations can deepen relationships (& create stronger bonds) in a way online interactions can’t.

Action Step - Connect: You know that person you keep wanting to see, chat & brainstorm ideas with, or even meet for the first time? Give them a call right now (or send a DM) and Meet 👏 Them 👏 IRL 👏!

Stop looking for a fast-track to building your network.

Connections aren’t built overnight—it’s the little, thoughtful actions that add up to a meaningful relationship. By reflecting on why and how you network, reaching out with intention, and offering help where you can, you’ll see those relationships grow in ways you never expected. 

Stay tuned for part 3, where we’ll continue building on these foundations to help you connect with people in your network with authenticity.

To get the tips from the past week, go here.

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